Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Making it through the less fun parts of moving

Guest post written by Flora Hudson

Out of all the times that I've moved in my life, I've actually enjoyed packing because it makes me imagine how all of my things will look in my new place. Of course then once I actually have to unpack all of that stuff as part of the move, which is most definitely the less glamorous part of the whole process.

But, it wasn't as bad packing up and moving this time because I bought a house and was moving into it! So I'm definitely planning on staying there for as long as possible. I was switching over all my utilities to it before the actual move when I came across some information about energy rates with ShopElectricityRatesTexas. I thought ! that maybe it was time I take advantage of the different energy providers and find a better price.

So once all the movers had left, I felt really good about settling down and not having to pay as much for my energy bill at least. It's more of a relief than you would think, especially since I remodeled my kitchen before I moved in.

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