Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Spring Break

Guest post from: Bruno Smith

My daughter is a college freshman this year. She is planning to go on a spring break trip to Florida with a bunch of her girlfriends. I am really worried about her starting to go off on trips without any parents or any “adult” presence with her. Granted, she is an adult legally, but there are just so many things that can happen. It is really hard to let a child grow up and make their own mistakes. She is definitely at the age where you can’t tell her anything. She just thinks I am an old woman from the dark ages. Well, let me just say this old woman has been around the block and does know a few things. I have tried to make her aware of some concerns that I have, and she seems to have an answer for everything. I asked her what she would do if she has a flat tire, and she said the girl she is riding with has AAA so they would just call them to come fix it. Then I asked her about her friend’s beach house. I wanted to know if it was in a safe area. She said to not worry about that because they had a security system they got through home security Florida. Obviously they had discussed that already since she had an answer for that one. I guess I am just going to have to trust her instincts. My baby girl is growing up.

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